Gohon Kumite

Gohon Kumite (five-step kumite) is the basic form of training fundamental techniques that teaches Migamae (physical readiness), Kigamae (mental preparation), ways of breathing and Unsuku (moving and stepping). In this Kumite targets remain the same for all consecutive attacks.
The "Migamae" (physical readiness) consists the techniques of "Tsuki" and "Uke". Please note that regardless of the power and the positions, stances and posture of the hips and legs must maintain a steady and strong position while attacking or defending.
The "Kigamae" (mental preparation) involves the mental aspects like fighting spirit, mental attitude, tenacity, perseverance, concentration, coolness and confidence. All depends on the efforts of the individual.
In Gohon Kumite the execution of "Tsuki" and "Uke" between the two partners is based on simple fundamental techniques and must be practiced with utmost seriousness.
Body Posture
When performing, we should have the feeling that the crown of the head is pressed upward. The upper body and head must be straight with the nose and navel in the same vertical line with the chin pulled back. This is a general principle which also applies to "Kata" and "Kihon".
Execution Method
Attacker (Semete), upon assuming the ready position, announces the target and then starts his attack, performing each successive strike not only with speed and power but also employing proper form. Sudden and rapid leg and hip movement is crucial when attacking and each of the five individual attacks must be delivered in the spirit meant by the expression "Ikken Hissatsu" (to kill with a single blow).
The movement should be performed rapidly and five times in sequence and after the 5th attack, a counter attack (Gyaku Zuki) and "Kiai" will be executed by "Ukete". The defender (Ukete) must possess a fighting spirit and block each attack fully without reacting in haste or excessive speed.
Gohon Kumite should always be practiced from both left and right sides.
Gohon Kumite #1 - Jodan Zuki
Semete (Attacker)
Shizentai Hachiji Dachi
Gedan Barai
Zenkutsu Dachi (Step back)
Jodan Oi Zuki
Zenkutsu Dachi (Forward-5 times)
Last Zuki (#5) (Kiai)
Front leg moves back to Yoi
Ukete (Defender)
Shizentai Hachiji Dachi
Stay in Yoi
Shizentai Hachiji Dachi
Jodan Age Uke
Zenkutsu Dachi (Backward-5 times)
Chudan Gyaku Zuki (Kiai)
Zenkutsu Dachi
Back leg moves to Yoi
Gohon Kumite #2 - Chudan Zuki
Semete (Attacker)
Shizentai Hachiji Dachi
Gedan Barai
Zenkutsu Dachi (Step back)
Chudan Oi Zuki
Zenkutsu Dachi (Forward-5 times)
Last Zuki (#5) (Kiai)
Front leg moves back to Yoi
Ukete (Defender)
Shizentai Hachiji Dachi
Stay in Yoi
Shizentai Hachiji Dachi
Chudan Soto Ude Uke
Zenkutsu Dachi (Backward-5 times)
Chudan Gyaku Zuki (Kiai)
Zenkutsu Dachi
Back leg moves to Yoi